Seniors Agenda — Aging with Dignity, Respect & Support

- Full-Time, Full Service, No Cost Senior Transportation: Establish a car shuttle service to provide cost-free, full-service transportation for seniors anywhere they want to go in Queens anytime. This would cover seniors on fixed incomes and those who are mobility-impaired but don’t qualify for Access-A-Ride.
- Increase Senior Service Funding: Increase senior service funding and index its growth to inflation to provide a more stable and reliable source of funding for senior programs and service providers, including senior centers, adult health care centers, and high-quality home health care, to help older adults avoid nursing homes and stay in their homes.
- Home Repair Assistance: Expand loan assistance for seniors in need of home repairs by increasing funding and easing eligibility requirements for the Senior Citizen Homeowner Assistance Program (SCHAP) to ensure that older New Yorkers get the proper financial assistance through low or zero interest loans to make necessary home repairs.
- Adult Day Care Corp.: In exchange for tuition and student loan forgiveness, CUNY students and graduates can apply to volunteer to provide senior services (transportation, social, language access) with each hour of work being credited toward tuition and student loan payments.
- Community Needs Neighborhood Survey: Engage senior service experts and urban planning professions to assess and make recommendations on how to improve the age-friendliness of our community. This group of stakeholders will survey areas and record their observations on public safety, access and ease of use for transportation services, traffic patterns, and accessibility to commercial and community services to be compiled into a public report on the “age-friendliness” of the district to guide our work with attendant city agencies to implement the identified improvement objectives in areas in of need.